Copyright held by The John Cooke Fraud Report. Reprint rights are granted with attribution to The John Cooke Fraud Report with a link to this website.
This issue marks the end of our third full year of publishing The John Cooke Insurance Fraud Report. To those of you who have made our publishing longevity a reality, thank you for your support. These past 18 issues have truly been an adventure.
When the very first issue hit the streets, my attitude was “I can do this because I know everything there is to know about fraud and fraud scams.” In fact, I was downright cocky about my self-perceived abundance of knowledge. I’d been in the industry for a number of years, investigated a wide range of schemes and enjoyed a fair amount of success with the files I handled. Looking back now, I have only one comment about that beginning attitude: What a crock…
In the past three years, I’ve been fortunate enough to have the opportunity to learn much, much more from some of the finest minds in our industry but it is startlingly evident that the sum total of every piece of fraud knowledge I now have is but a wee tip of the giant iceberg that’s out there.
Lately the media has been banging at our door, always looking for a story. The past two national TV appearances have introduced me as a “fraud expert.” Such an assumption is perhaps the largest fraud of all … because there’s simply no such person.
I wholeheartedly believe that the crooks presently know more about us than we know about them. That’s got to change if our industry is ever to win this war. So, as we here at the JCIFR embark upon year number four, we hope you’ll adopt our mission statement as your own. The John Cooke Fraud Reports fighting fraud through communication and education.
Keep talking; keep learning; keep fighting!
© Copyright 1997 Alikim Media