From the Editor

All the posts published.

From the Editor

May 12, 2015

The final insertion to any John Cooke Fraud Report copy is always the editorial. It’s written almost on the way to the …

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From the Editor

November 25, 2013

Catch as catch can. If you’ve tried to reach me during the day in early summer and we didn’t connect, keep on …

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From the Editor

August 1, 2013

Nineteen years is a long time. Good old John Cooke is now old enough to go to war (in a way, he …

(From long time friend Bob, an SIU-er from Minnesota and a really smart guy. Shared in JCFR with permission of the writer.) …

From the Editor

January 24, 2013

If the US were to send thousands of troops to Kosovo, but failed to equip them with the latest in weaponry and …

From the Editor

January 14, 2013

Stuff Happens. This issue was all sewed up and ready to print, mere hours from our press appointment, and a request was …

From the Editor

January 5, 2013

The year was 1974. A large midwestern MGA, operating under retro authority as a full insurance company, ran into financial problems due …

From the Editor

January 5, 2013

“Daddy, there’s smoke coming out of the garage door…” And so began the saga of how the Editor of an insurance fraud …

From the Editor

January 5, 2013

R1#6%6*%@@MB&K!6*64$2S The preceding is a picture of my brain as I write this issue’s Editor column. This column is always the last …

From the Editor

January 5, 2013

Some things just don’t make much sense. On February 1, 1997, a young family of three was burned alive in a fiery …

From the Editor

January 5, 2013

If you look at the upper right hand corner of this issue’s cover, you’ll see it’s Volume 5 and Issue 1. That …

From the Editor

January 5, 2013

Comedian Allan Ray told a “joke.” He said, “Allstate recently sued 45 doctors, alleging fraud. The physicians are accused of stealing funds …

From the Editor

December 31, 2012

Early in the 90’s, back in my corporate America days, some home office AVP decided that our company needed a “community presence.” …

From the Editor

December 31, 2012

It’s a bittersweet victory when I suddenly become cognizant of a great truth that’s been right in front of my nose. On …

From the Editor

December 31, 2012

I remember the scam well.  Everyone was talking about it. “Did you hear about the guy who programmed the bank’s computer to …

The story reads like so many others throughout the USA: authorities extensively investigated a suspicious situation. It began with an automobile body …

From the Editor

December 31, 2012

Some readers have recently been surprised to hear our telephones answered “Alikim Media.” A few have even hung up, thinking they reached …

From the Editor

December 31, 2012

John Cooke, the little scrap(per) who came rushing headlong into the insurance fraud fighting world in May 1994, is celebrating his second …

From the Editor

December 31, 2012

I sit at a large, brown, wooden desk with a large gouge in one of the drawers. The desk cost $40.00 and …

From the Editor

December 31, 2012

A special thanks to those of you who choose to go both ways: Both ways that is when it comes to subscribing …

From the Editor

December 30, 2012

It’s a bittersweet victory when I suddenly become cognizant of a great truth that’s been right in front of my nose. On …

From the Editor

December 30, 2012

This issue marks the end of our third full year of publishing The John Cooke Insurance Fraud Report. To those of you …

From The Editor

December 30, 2012

Life—and business—is all about learning. And we in the fraud-fighting industry are privy to a never-ending flow of lessons. I have a …

From The Editor

December 30, 2012

Alikim Media began publication of The John Cooke Financial Fraud Report in August 1996. Similar in format to The John Cooke Insurance …

From the Editor

December 29, 2012

The bottom line was still the same, chiropractors paying for referrals, but the overall scam had a slightly different look on a …

From the Editor

December 28, 2012

t’s already 1996 and (mea culpa!) we are late, late, late.  The reason?  I am being dragged, kicking and screaming, into the …

From the Editor

December 28, 2012

1995…only days away as we go to press with our January/February issue – and already here as you read these pages.  This …

From the Editor

December 28, 2012

This is a 32-page paper.  That’s how we started and that’s what the business plan called for.  Just a simple, little, 32-page …

From the Editor

December 28, 2012

Contrary to the informational biography we printed in our January/February issue, Paul Conway is not a Western States Supervisor with Fireman’s Fund. …

From the Editor

December 28, 2012

We swear this story is true.  Only the names have been changed. Amanda Sue twiddled her thumbs and wished a hasty end …

From the Editor

December 28, 2012

The issue in front of you is number seven.  John Cooke is now one year old. We’ve experienced many exciting things this …

From the Editor

December 28, 2012

September, the time of year the most often asked phrase in America becomes, “Tell me what you learned today (insert name here).” …

From The Editor

December 28, 2012

In the wee hours of the night, while putting together the usual 48 pages of this issue of The John Cooke Fraud …

John Cooke Investigations | From the Editor