Private Investigators

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By Kelly E. Riddle There are many court cases on record that affect the way private investigators conduct surveillance. The cases listed …

Dear Sherry

February 18, 2014

Dear Sherry Q: Recently I was assigned a claim on a slip and fall at a bank. The injuries were severe and …

Dear Sherry

February 17, 2014

Dear Sherry During the past year, as questions about investigations have been submitted to me for this column, several questions seem …

Letter to the Editor

February 15, 2014

In observing the sentences being handed down for insurance fraud crimes, I cannot help but wonder at the reason for the imbalance …

  By Larry G. Henning, CFE and Edward J. Wilbraham, Esq. In general, the expanded use of video surveillance over the past …

Dear Sherry

January 15, 2013

Q: I think that fraud is being perpetrated on the fraud-fighting industry. I am constantly getting virus warnings on my computer e-mail …

Dear Sherry

January 6, 2013

Dear Sherry Q: I’m working on a bad-smelling auto file where our trucker claimant has drivers licenses in at least three states. …

From the Editor – In the November/December issue, we ran the story of The Nine-Fingered Dentist. It concerned a multi-million dollar insurance …

By Bradley Sanders Several years ago, a group of Colorado business owners developed an advertising and promotion program known as “Always Buy …

By Leroy Cook For over a hundred years, they’ve shaped the view of the world of the private investigator. Who are they? …

John Cooke Investigations | Private Investigators