It’s All In a Name

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Understanding the naming conventions of other cultures is important for an investigator or for anyone wishing to certainly and correctly identify people …


DESK TOP INVESTIGATING Understanding the naming conventions of other cultures is important for an investigator or for anyone wishing to certainly and …

Understanding the naming conventions of non-European cultures is important for an investigator or anyone wishing to certainly and correctly identify people in …

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        Understanding the naming conventions of other cultures is important for an investigator or for anyone wishing to …

Understanding the naming conventions of other cultures is important for an investigator or for anyone wishing to certainly and correctly identify people in …

Understanding the naming conventions of other cultures is important for an investigator or for anyone wishing to certainly and correctly identify people …

The main difference between the situation in China and Britain is that the Chinese have a massive number of first names …

This review of naming practices around the world has hopefully made clear that so many of the implicit assumptions that citizens …

India is such a huge country that there are many different naming practices and traditions and the main influences are region and …

The Arab world covers a band of North Africa and the Middle East where 20 countries have Arabic as the main language. Overwhelmingly …

Each Mother’s Day in the United States, the Commissioner of Social Security publishes the most popular baby names based on all social …

In Eastern European countries, it is much more common than in Western European countries for children to have the same first …

Some first names commonly used in English-speaking countries have equivalents in almost all European nations – notably John and George for …

First names In some cultures, the relationship between first names and vocabulary words is transparent, that is the names are just …

I have a Chinese friend called Zhihao who lives in London with his wife Hua. We first met Hua on the …

As former British colonies, Australia and New Zealand largely have the same naming practices as Britain, except that some first names are more common in …

In Israel, as one would expect of a Jewish population, first names are frequently taken from the Old Testament of the Bible – …

Names in Africa reflect the diverse nature of this huge continent, so the Arab countries of the north and Muslim families elsewhere follow …

In Japan, first names are written in kanji or Chinese characters, though some names are written in hiragana or katakana characters, meaning that …

The Vietnamese were dominated by the Chinese for a thousand years (from 1st-9th century), so they share many features of naming …

Understanding the naming conventions of other cultures is important for an investigator or for anyone wishing to certainly and correctly identify people …

Understanding the naming conventions of non-European cultures is important for an investigator or anyone wishing to certainly and correctly identify people in …

Understanding the naming conventions of non-European cultures is important for an investigator or anyone wishing to certainly and correctly identify people in …

John Cooke Investigations | It’s All In a Name