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When a claim report for an automobile fire is made, it is very important to treat the claim as legitimate to avoid …

MISSOURI TRAGEDY In a family’s cooperative plot that went horribly wrong, 15-year-old Zachariah Kemper burned to death because he could not escape …

FIREBUGS GO WILD in CA, NY and WI “Hang down your head Bill Bailey, hang down your head and cry. Hang down …

REVISTING THE KAITLYN ARQUETTE CASE It’s been nearly two decades since Southern California fraud defense attorney Michael Bush introduced me to one …

If brains were measured in breast size, this lady needed help. In fact, that’s why 23-yearold Amanda Perkins says she dumped gasoline …

By Rob Painter, DABFE, ASE, CFL Every day, hundreds of allegedly stolen vehicles are found burned. And every day, some of the …

By Bob Gentile In looking at the basics of fire scene photography, the following question must be answered first, “Why photograph a …

By George Romain, Esq. Insurance company claim adjusters beware: Daubert is about to call on you. A recent US Supreme Court ruling …

Four men have been charged with auto insurance fraud after their alleged plans went sour. On June 17, 1998, Guillermo Sanchez and …

By Barry Zalma The insured had no respect for his insurance company. He expected them to pay any claim he presented. He …

It’s a fascinating case. There’s a missing person (assumed dead, but no body has ever been located); a rogue suspect who …

It’s clearly a case of he says, he says. Residents of Charlotte are divided as to what really transpired on January 1,1996. …

Once upon a time there was a grown man named Teddy. The mechanic at the Hometown Auto Repair Shop gave Teddy some …

By Barry Zalma Aunt Susie had been in the restaurant business all her life. She worked for chains like Denny’s and Stuckey’s. …

Connecticut State Police have arrested Dennis and Carol Steiger of Old Lyme and charged them with felony counts of arson, conspiracy to …

It was December 10, 1989, when Florence “Jerri” Beardslee, one of a small number of women who owned wholesale distributorships for …

In the battle against insurance fraud in Michigan, some companies fight harder than others. One of the toughest fighters is Farm Bureau, …

Video Magic

December 29, 2012

VIDEO MAGIC The woman said she was incapacitated by her injury. She said she couldn’t even use a broom to sweep her …

By Leslie Kim Imagine this:  You’re a career fireperson, your performance and credentials are impecable, and suddenly your chief assigns you a …

Fire Cause Analysis, a division of IFT in Berkeley, California, recently hired two new furry employees, Cinder and Ott. Cinder and Ott …

By Barry Zalma The brothers were operating a successful bar and grill in the steel mill town of Fontana, California. Drawing …

ALLIGATORING:  A term used by fire investigators in the discussion of fire spread patterns and fire point indicators.  The general usage is …

Tale of a Fishy Claim

December 28, 2012

By John Jansen Russell (Rusty) DelGrosso was indicted by the Grand Jury in Anchorage last year for a five count felony indictment …

Arson-for-profit, with its many faces, is a dangerous and sometimes deadly form of insurance fraud. By Michael Diegel In 560 cases in …

By Donald Perkins If a person is unscrupulous enough to set or cause to set a fire, he/she will usually be fraudulent …

There was only one suspect in the May 29, 1995, early-morning arson fire that killed Lucy Morita, her three children and a …

When a claim report for an automobile fire is made, it is very important to treat the claim as legitimate to avoid …

Burn, Burn, Burn

December 26, 2012

In yet another creative business venture, a 61 year old former Binghampton, NY, realtor is on his way to prison to serve …

John Cooke Investigations | Arson