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Fishing for Fraud

February 18, 2014

“And what other treatment did the doctor give you for your LEFT KNEE, Joe?” There’s nothing more gratifying than having Joe Claimant …

Federal law 18 U S C 2511(2)(d) defines the overall right of one involved person to record telephone calls and/or in-person conversations. …

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By Diana McG Having spent more than two decades as an SIU investigator and a claims adjuster, I say with certainty that …

By Gary A. Turnberger, CFE, CIFI, SCL and Robin Duranik Those of us involved in the business of claim handling have often …

By Jon E. Crosby, CFE, CIFI, FCLS An integral part of the investigator’s or claims adjuster’s role involves the taking of recorded …

By Wendell Rudacille Several months before I retired from police work, I was in one of the department’s yearly training sessions. …

By Barry Zalma A Successful Technique Used by Interrogators Is The Bluff. A “bluff” is a statement made by the interrogator implying …

By Kirby G. Huget, Esq. Research suggests that a significant percentage of all automobile and property/casualty claims are inflated, if not fraudulent …

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